Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's official--I'm Old

A few years ago, one of my patients brought a brochure into class about a new seniors' center. It had loads of things to offer "older people", like fitness assessments, Zumba classes, computer lessons, a book club, martial arts classes, and a cute little cafe, among other things. She was so excited about it, as it was only $60/year to join. As I looked over the brochure, I read that it was open to older adults, age 50 and up. My first (disappointing) thought was "Oh, I guess I'm older." This was a new revelation to me.

Two summers ago, I was getting some physical therapy for a shoulder injury. As I was waiting for my therapist, I picked up a magazine. The usual fare of waiting room options were there: Good Housekeeping, People, Women's Day, etc., but I picked the magazine with Ron Howard on the cover. Then I noticed the name of the magazine, AARP. (For those of you too young to know what those initials stand for it's the American Association of Retired People.) I dropped the magazine like a hot potato.

Fast forward two years. Yesterday, my husband and I received our AARP membership cards and benefits packet in the mail. I am now an official member. We're going to try it for a year. You supposedly get discounts on hotels, restaurants and some stores, like Borders bookstore. I'll give you an update in the future on whether or not it's worth $16 a year.

Eat your heart out, youngsters.

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