Monday, August 1, 2011

Tomato Harvest

Warning:  This post contains graphic violence.

My Sun Sugar cherry tomatoes are finally ripening.  When I first got the plant in June, one of my patients advised me to leave the tomatoes on the vine as long as possible to ensure maximum sweetness.  His words rang in my head as I was about to pick a few last week, so I decided to leave them for one more day.  When I checked on them before work the next morning, all the ripe tomatoes were gone.  Drat!! Something was eating them.  But what?

Later that morning, my husband saw the tomato plant shaking while he was eating breakfast, and lo and behold, a chipmunk was caught in the act.  The mighty hunter jumped into action.  He set rat traps out with cherry tomatoes as bait.  I got regular updates via text messages at work.  (He was calling himself "Commando Mike, Seal Team Six".)  Without going into detail, I'm happy to report that the tomato harvest is back on schedule.

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