Monday, July 11, 2011


This started out to be an interesting day.  As I was putting the finishing touches on my hair and make-up, I could hear the rumble of thunder.  The sky was getting darker and I was thinking it would be nice to get to work before the storm let loose.
I high-tailed it to the car and as I backed out of the garage, I was in luck.  No rain.  Unlike Nancy Drew, that teenage detective who "drove as fast as she could without exceeding the speed limit", I lit out of the driveway like the bat-mobile.  I could see flashes of lightning as the dark clouds were rolling across the sky.  Aaargh.  A pokey driver pulled out in front of me and riding on his bumper did nothing to hurry him along.  I was about a mile from work when the skies opened up.  It was a deluge.  I could hardly see as the rain was going sideways.  I wheeled into the parking lot of the HEART Center, got my umbrella, and dashed into the building between lightning bolts.  I failed to dodge the puddles on my way in, so my shoes and my pants (everything except for my thighs, for some reason) were totally soaked.  I arrived only to find the power was out.  We ended up sending all of our patients home and leaving within an hour of arriving.  So much for work.

Another storm blew through a couple of hours later and then the sun came out turning it into a beautiful day.  I decided to cut some hydrangeas to brighten up the kitchen.  These are the first of the season and they are gorgeous.

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