Monday, November 14, 2011

Holiday Weight Gain

Every year, the average American gains 5-10 pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  As much as I hate to admit it, I'm average.  At work alone, it's a continuous lovefest with goodies that our patients bring in for us.  Normally, I would never eat all those yummy treats, but I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.  And I often have seconds just to make sure they know how much I enjoyed their gift--hence, the weight gain.

This year, things will be different.  My employer is challenging the entire organization to stay within two pounds of their pre-holiday weight.  The initiative is called "Holding it Through the Holidays".  We have to weigh-in every week between now and January 1st.  It's voluntary, of course.  I decided to take the challenge and hopefully will stay motivated throughout the next seven weeks to tone it down by ingesting less unhealthy food and drink.

So, today, after lunch, we weighed in with my boss.  I wanted him to sign a confidentiality agreement, but he  (being a guy) didn't think that knowing how much I weigh was a big deal.  He is the only person, besides my doctor, who knows the total poundage.  Oh well, at least I'm not Kate Middleton.  On the news yesterday, the camera honed in on her abdomen, contemplating before the world if she has a "baby bump".  If my abdomen was the one being scrutinized, they'd see the "bump", but it most definitely is not a baby.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great idea! Kudos to you for participating. Thank God no one is looking at my bump either.
