Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dangers of Diet Coke

Hello. My name is Mindy and I'm a Diet Coke addict. There, I've admitted it. Everyday, around 2:00, I get a yen for that bubbly beverage with caffeine. I've been drinking Diet Coke since it first came out in the early 1980's and nothing else fits the bill. Unfortunately, I just read an article on the dangers of drinking pop (as we midwesterners call it).
  1. Of course, there are no nutrients in pop. We all know that.
  2. Artificial sweeteners have been linked to increased appetite, and difficulty losing weight.
  3. Pop weakens tooth enamel, causing cavities and tooth decay.
  4. The phosphorous and caffeine in pop are believed to contribute to osteoporosis.
  5. Pop may be linked to chronic kidney disease, development of metabolic syndrome, and a fatty liver (I've got enough fatty areas without a fatty liver).
After reading this, I am seriously going to cut back on my consumption. I haven't had a Diet Coke in two days and I'm doing okay. I've only bitten my husband's head off once, and really, he had it coming. Just kidding.

The only thing that bothers me is that they are always coming out with a new study about something being bad for you. Is it my imagination or is it always a study on something that everyone loves? Why is it the studies never show that something icky, like say, brussel sprouts, are bad for you? Has anyone studied brussel sprouts in depth? I think I'm on to something here. Oh well, even if they did find something, the brussel sprout association would never let that information leak out. We're destined to forever feel guilty about not eating brussel sprouts.


  1. Rob always says "are those the same people that told me eggs were bad for me?" Lots of studies with tons of results. Everything in moderation :)

  2. I remember Joan Collins once said "You never see skinny people drinking Diet Coke." I too love a good Diet Coke/Pepsi every once in a while but have seriously cut back on how much I drink it. I was drinking 3 cans a day at one point!

  3. I remember the words you once told me when I had a little chap stick problem. "The first step in dealing with an addiction is admitting you have one." I'm glad you've cut back on the pop. I've had two since I made the decision to cut back. I get a headache in the afternoon from the caffeine withdrawal. I caved today. I made it to 3:30 and then couldn't take it anymore.
